This is a small guide on filenames within CleverLive - for all you need to know about uploading files to CleverLive to make sure they run on a presentation smoothly.
Do not use special characters - this means not using characters which are not letters or numbers.
For example, if a file is called: NEW-MARKET.PRESENTATION-2024/07-"PRODUCTS".jpg - this may cause issues due to the hyphens, quotation marks, full stops and forward slashes. Instead, rename the file to: New Market Presentation 202407 products.jpg - this should resolve the issue.
Need to rename a specific file on CleverLive which has already been uploaded? Click me.
Keep File names as short as possible - usually if you find an image online, and you want to include it in a presentation, when you download the image, it usually has a filename such as: grhuire783$4hui%vhuie%ry783"4frf*jior23ji.jpg - instead, use the naming ideology above to try and make it simpler. Such as: dog.jpg
Keep file sizes as small as possible - since CleverLive is pulling information from a server, if there are any issues with video buffering or PDF loading on a loop, this usually means that the file could be too big for the system to load quick enough. So in order to load the files faster, try uploading files with roughly the following file sizes or under:
- Images: under 1MB
- PDFs: under 1MB
- Videos: under 50MB
Upload the file in the correct zone - a common fault we see when using CleverLive, is when a file is uploaded into the wrong zone. For example:
- Image Zone - jpg/png files only
- Movie Zone - MP4/MOV files (although preferrably MP4) only
- PDF Zone - PDF file only
Make sure the file is the correct orientation - when uploading images/videos, make sure the orientation of the file is correct (for example landscape/portrait). This can be done by opening the file on your PC, and making sure it is showing correctly
If it isn't showing correctly, please open up Paint, or another image editing software, and rotate the file to match the orientation you would like it to face. After saving these changes, then upload them back to CleverLive. This should resolve any orientation issues.
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