If you need to manually download your OTA updates, please use our tool here if you cannot use the OTA service on our products. You can also check our troubleshooting guide to OTA issues here before trying the below. Similarly, please see our guide here on the MDM OTA process here.
- Download the OTA firmware from the Firmware Tool after inputting your serial number and email into the webpage.
- Rename the downloaded .zip file to update.zip
- Create an upgrade folder (in this instance, this screen is an Impact gen 1, so we are renaming this to upgrade_8386 to mimic the firmware flash file) and copy the renamed “update.zip” in it.
*For instructions on which code you need to use, please see the table below
- Copy the "upgrade" folder in USB disk (FAT32 format) root directory.
- Use a remote to enter in debug menu(press “Input 1 3 7 9”), select Upgrade->Upgrade OTA, confirm and wait for auto upgrading process.
- Process should complete in 10- 15 minutes.
Please see the table here, for what mainboard code you should use per your screen type:
Screen type | upgrade_ |
Impact Plus/UX PRO | 811 |
Impact & Impact 2 | 8386 |
M-Series 1 | 8386 |
M-Series 2 | 8386 |
M-Series 3 | 982 |
Impact Plus 2/UX PRO 2 | 9950 |
Impact Max | 982 |
Impact LUX/UX PRO EDGE | 3588 |
Impact Max 2 | 3588 |
Cleverhub | 3399 |
Lux Mini | 3588 |
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