When a presentation isn't loading on a player, or screen, this usually points to an issue with the content. Here is a guide of the issues we've picked up on to resolve this issue:
File type - Every zone has a specific file type, so for example, you cannot place videos in an image zone. This will cause the system to stop showing the presentation entirely, either by showing a blank presentation or not loading the presentation at all. Here is a list of what media can be placed within the zones with the most issues:
- Image Zone - can display JPEG, JPG, PNG files
- Movie Zone - can display MP4, MOV files
PDF Zone - can display PDF files only
File and Presentation names - please see our handy guide here.
Web clock - Our clock originally relied on JAVA to operate, and will need to be updated to a HTML based "Web Clock." In order to do this, please follow the steps below:
- Go to your presentation
- Go to the Clock zone
- Press the "Change" button underneath the clock
- Then press "Convert to Web Clock"
- Remove any and all presentations which are empty, or have no zones in them. This means all presentations which have zones which are empty, or delete empty presentations with no zones in them at all.
- There are some package names that were different on the old Cleverstore and new CleverLive store which means that adding a new device can cause issues when trying to sync. CleverLive will be looking for APK package names that do not match what it has in it's system. In this case, our recommendation would be to remove the apps on your account and re-add them from the CleverLive Store on CleverLive and see if that resolves the issue. Our guide here can show you how this can be completed.
If you still experience issues with presentations on your player after making sure the above is checked, please log a case here.
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